We recently opened our
SOAS Racing team application, which inspired 2013 team member Holly Bennett to
write about her experience on sports teams.

Later my family moved to a small town in New Mexico, where I
played co-ed soccer at a much smaller school. Usually I was one of only one or
two other girls on the team. There, it was all about keeping pace with the
boys–or trying our best to run and shoot past them. We girls earned our
stripes, for sure.
When I reached seventh grade (at yet another school) I was
no longer one of the star players, but I loved the competitive fire of being on
the field all the same. I created my own games within the game–for example, betting
my coach a quarter I could score a goal if he subbed me for a tiring teammate,
then swiftly scoring two. Ka-ching!
With high school came a move to boarding school and a new
type of team: track and field. Sadly I abhorred running at the time. But no
matter–I took up shot put and discus. Not that I was any good at hurling heavy
objects, but everyone was welcome on the track team, so my best friend and I
jumped aboard. We were in it for the camaraderie, the feeling of belonging to something
fun, the ticket to travel to other New England schools and the chance to meet
boys beyond our own student body.
Several years ago, before I discovered triathlon, I
considered joining an adult soccer league to regain that team dynamic. But with
practices and games conflicting with my erratic work schedule, I knew I would
have to stick to the individual sport route. I started running 10k’s, then a
marathon, and eventually made my way to multisport.
When I first got wind of SOAS, it was through my pal
Australian pro Amanda Balding–she was building a career beyond the racecourse
and that included distribution of a killer new women’s clothing line. Amanda
introduced me to Steph, founder of SOAS, and I drooled over her designs at the
Ironman Melbourne expo.
But the SOAS team isn’t only about my enhanced athletic
wardrobe. Much more importantly, it’s a gang of girls across the country and
around the world, committed to playing fun and fair sport while looking and
feeling great–and to growing the community around this totally cool company. Some
of my teammates are some of my best pals–we meet up at races whenever possible.
Sometimes we meet for happy hour (a love of wine is not a prerequisite for team
selection, but it certainly helps). Or better yet, we do both. Other team
members I’ve never met–and honestly I probably wouldn’t be able to pick out in
a crowd–yet we’ve connected via social media and team communications and we cheer
relentlessly for one another from afar. All in all, it’s an amazing gig–one I
highly recommend to anyone looking for a fun, fitness-oriented and
ever-so-slightly edgy place to call home.
If you’re inspired to apply for the 2014 SOAS Racing team, email us at info@soasracing.com